While both series offer the same easy programmability of frequencies and other parameters as comparable earlier Epson products (the SG-8002 & SG-8003 series in the case of the SG-8101, and the SG-9001 in the case of the SG-9101), they also have a wider operating temperature range, with a top-end limit of 105°C. In addition to a 2.5 mm x 2.0 mm package that will enable electronics manufacturers to save board space, the oscillators will also be available in the following popular package sizes: 3.2 mm x 2.5 mm, 5.0 mm x 3.2 mm, and 7.0 mm x 5.0 mm.
Users will be able to program these products to the required output frequency, as well as to the required output frequency modulation profile and cycle, with an Epson SG-Writer II programmer. For this Texim Europe offers customers a special programming service, the solution to lead times associated with nonstandard custom product.
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